
By Cully

BELT: Somethings never change

Meet Woz.

On my very first day of full time employment, at lunch, Warren took me up the road to show me the delights of Redditch. We sat on a bench near the church, where people with cans of Kestrel congregated, with our Greggs mexican ovals. Despite him making a good first impression I didn't think we would still be in touch nearly nine years on.

So tonight we had a catch up over a few drinks, talking weddings, work, family etc. Then I gave him a lift back via the kebab shop! Now Warren is renowned for his love of kebabs, known to Warren as 'Belt' (for its long, brown, leathery nature). When he was young free and single he ate kebab all the time as it was easy than going grocery shopping. I thought his wife would have put a stop to this but clearly not. Lets just hope he doesn't still have his Thursday night Kanz night!

Good to see you Woz, enjoy the kebab x

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