
By Wanderers13

Working with willow

A local event in the large poly tunnel at tree nursery - a Climate Change Community Cafe - with a craft workshop on how to make a willow ghost. I chose a small frame to work with and found the weaving process pleasant, it was good to listen to the lively chat and wonder what on earth this was going to look like. I was right to wonder.

The young woman leading the group was lovely, she helped all ages through the process with each ghost looking different.

As always plenty of cake arrived, it is always a pleasure to watch the plastic boxes appear giving us a grand choice of home baking. (an early start, we didn’t know about the baking until yesterday). If I show a photo of my attempt you will see that large buttons play a part, the old button box has come in useful after all these years, most inherited from Johns mum.
An enjoyable morning with plenty of talk and cleaning of plastic root trainers at the same time.

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