
The dogs saw their chiropractor Wednesday and I saw mine today!

I used to suffer from bad back and neck pains, but some years ago, a friend recommended a really good chiropractor and after regulart treatments for a couple of years, my back has been doing really well and I haven't felt any pain. I found out today, that it has been over a year since my last chiropractor appoointment. Wooohoooo.

A couple of weeks ago I started getting sudden headaches again though and I know that is the first sign of neck problems, so I rang the chiropractor this morning and got an appointment this afternoon. Everything has now been put right and hopefully I will feel a lot better tomorrow. I am a bit sore today.

I am going back for another appointment next week and after that all should be well again. I love my chiropractor!

Besides from that, I have had a busy but interesting day at work and the boys have been for a different kind of walk as we went for a city walk in Slagelse before I saw the chiropractor. I think they liked all the different smells and things to look at.

Now we are home and I have packed for tomorrow. We are away all day for a Heelwork To Music show.

Tea time soon and an early night as it will be a very early start tomorrow.

Sorry if I am behind with your journals, dear blip friends. Life is just incredible busy at the moment.

Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

Oh and this is (from left) Biscuit, Beat and Hero outside Sct. Peders Church in Slagelse. I really liked the background.

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