Cool Bag Cool, Aylesford

It's been a very wet and windy couple of days due to Storm Ciaran and it's aftermath but luckily we avoided the worst of it. It did, however, restrict my chance of getting an image, especially as the clocks have now changed and my walk down to Victoria for the train home is now in the dark. Therefore, today to counteract all the dark and dreary stuff going on outside I decided to try and create an image that was as bright and sparkling as I could make it. I saw the silvery inside of our cool bag and borrowed a pair of my brother's funky sunglasses and - viola!
My (very boring) work day ended in a much happier fashion with a trip to the pub for a pint and a chinwag with my brother. I felt much better after that! One small thing, though, why do people who are right next to each other have to shout at the top of their voice when they could speak at a perfectly normal volume. Two blokes in the pub spent a good twenty minutes or so shouting at each other about last week's Grand Prix. I almost felt like telling them to shut up but thought better of it as they both looked like they were already a few pints into a session.

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