
By DebR

Fourth plinth

Very wet morning. Went to the National Gallery. Blip is of 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square.

“Malawi-born Samson Kambalu's restages a 1914 photograph of Baptist preacher and pan-Africanist John Chilembwe and European missionary John Chorley. Chilembwe is larger than life while Chorley is life-size. The judges said by increasing his scale, the artist elevated Chilembwe and his story, revealing the hidden narratives of underrepresented people in the history of the British Empire in Africa and beyond.”

On my theatre fest weekend saw Lyonesse in the afternoon which was excellent. Supposed to go to King Lear in the evening with Kenneth Branagh but very disappointingly it was cancelled. Had to make my way back through crowded streets from pro-Palestine demonstration rerouting constantly to find transport. Lots of families and very good humoured.

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