
By ayearinthelife

Behind The Camel

After the hectic activity of last week, on and off stage, it was back to a “normal” Sunday afternoon today. If you count rehearsing for a pantomime as normal, that is.
Mind you, I’d have been happy to wear the rest of the camel costume this afternoon as the heating in The Bryce is not working properly, and it’s damn cold if you’re just sitting around whilst others are on the stage.
We’re still in the early stages of rehearsal and the show could best be described as “fluid” with regular script revisions. It’s all about finding out what works best and paring back or refining the bits that feel slow at the moment.
I was only in a couple of short scenes this afternoon, so there was more sitting around than acting, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing as it was nice just to be able to switch off for a bit.
Next week is looking like it’s going to be a lot quieter than the last fortnight though, as either me or Mrs C are out nearly every night, “quiet” is probably a relative term!

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