
By fennerpearson

Young Fathers

We were working from the hotel for most of the day, but we managed to get out for a walk around Leith at lunchtime, enjoying the crisp autumnal air and sunshine (see Extra).

And after work we went out to look for somewhere to eat. We couldn't quite find anywhere we really fancied, but we kept on walking and eventually ended up at a gorgeous little restaurant called Tapa. I'm glad we persisted; it was, I think, the best tapas I've ever had, plus the staff were great.

And after that we attempted to take a tram up to town, but it transpired they weren't running. We were struggling to get an Uber, and walked back 'round to the hotel, where we found a chap just about to get into a black cab, going up into town.

In desperation, I asked if we might share his taxi, which he kindly agreed to, and then, when we arrived in the city centre, he wouldn't take any cash as his company were paying. (I did encourage him to take it anyway and buy a beer, but he was quite determined!)

And so we made it to the venue in time to catch Nadine Shah, who was the support act. To be honest, the Minx was keener to see her than I was, but I am so glad that we did; she was absolutely superb. Great songs, a terrific band - reminiscent of the Bad Seeds in the best possible way - and a confident, charismatic performance. I definitely want to see her play live again.

As for Young Fathers, they lived up to our expectations, and, actually, I think it might have even better than the Connect festival, possibly because it was an indoors gig, leading to a heavier, more condensed sound, but maybe because they were playing their home town. 

Whatever the reason, it was a cracking concert and I'm glad we made the effort to come and see them here.

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