
By ayearinthelife

All The Small Things

Apart from a strenuous PT session this morning, I’ve done nothing all day except sit in the lounge, watching TV or reading. And maybe the odd forty winks! So when it came to posting a blip, I just had a look around to see what was nearby.
After we finished redecorating the house a couple of years ago, we said that we weren’t going to clutter it up with ornaments and the like, so decided that anything we bought had to be small. Very small! These half a dozen pieces all live around the base of a lamp on the side table and certainly fulfil the brief of not taking up a lot of space.
Part of the reason for all the inactivity is that Mrs C has not been very well. Whether it’s a cold, flu or the dreaded Covid we don’t know, but she’s had a bad cough, snotty nose and is easily exhausted, so it could be any of them. I’ve not even had a sneeze or a tickly throat whilst she’s been unwell, so I’m either super fit or what she’s got isn’t that infectious!
Anyway, we’re hoping that she feels better tomorrow - and that I don’t go down with it - as we’re both out in the evening, me to the theatre and her to the cinema.

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