
By kas18

Let Me Through!

I saw these two as I was leaving the lake after my swim this morning. I suppose they thought you swim in our lake then we will walk on your road. It was quite funny to mess these two waddling down the road. I'm not sure the man and the dog were very sure about them though.

It was much colder in the lake than last week. Quite refreshing though.

Worked all day. I missed the rain :). I don't mind if it rains when I'm working. Although it has been nice in parts.

Came home from work and a lovely meal was waiting cooked by my son. It was a nice surprise.

Getting ready to go out. Only to the local pub for a drink. I'm quite tired though....my bed is calling me already. X

Don't know why this is wonky...tried to sort it but can't...and this is before I've had a glass of wine! Going out now so will try again later. X

........I've done it....must have been the wine! X

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