My Dad

Thought I'd take a photo of a photo of my dad....well it is Father's Day.

My dad has been gone for almost 23 years. I can't believe how that time has gone. Tom never got to meet him which is a shame. My other two remember him though. I spent a lot of time with my dad. He used to take me fishing. He also spent a huge amount of time with me when I did my swimming. If it wasn't for him I'd never have achieved everything I did.

I should imagine a lot of dads are in their element and football...what more could they want on Father's Day!

I woke up to a very messy kitchen this morning. Maisie ate a whole bag of cat food she took from the cupboard! She has a sensitive stomach and it went right through her....what a mess. She's been poorly all day. The kittens have been laying by her side looking after her instead :)

I bathed the kittens today. They didn't seem to mind it at all...time will tell. They are thriving and growing everyday. They have started to have little rough and tumbles together....and they are getting used to the litter tray. It's all good.

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