
By PaulaJ

View from, not of . . .

I booked a concert a long time ago - in Nottingham in November. Seemed like a good idea at the time, as did the idea of going by train from Appleby. We would have to change in Leeds but that would be okay.

And it started off fine, well the weather wasn’t fine - cloudy and windy. But the journey from Appleby is always wonderful - I have a book with me but I am always too busy looking out of the window - such views and somehow better with murky skies. (This photo was taken as we were crossing the Ribblehead viaduct.)

We got as far as Skipton and then the train stopped . . . apparently there was a broken track ahead and no trains could leave Skipton. We had choices - stay on the train and see if it gets fixed, try somehow to get to Leeds another way - or call it a day and return home.

Then the the guard was told to lock up the train. We knew we couldn’t get to Leeds by bus in time to catch a Nottingham train so . . . eventually a guy said he was going by taxi, would we like to share - four of us by taxi to Leeds - arrived Leeds and got the next Nottingham train. And here we are - in windy Nottingham a bit later than planned but we’ve had an exciting journey, met some great people and had no car to park.

Our concert at the Theatre Royal:
African Rhapsodies with the BBC Concert Orchestra & Seckou Keita, Konya Kanneh-Mason and others.

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