
By soozsnapz

The effects of the storm

I took the morning off Fareshare to be here in case Portia needed any care.  She’s had a lot of drugs, and is mostly sleeping. 
My garden was the most exciting thing I saw - and it’s the first day, after Storm Debi, that all the leaves have gone from the ashes and sycamores in the cemetery. When I got up there was about 40 rooks in that one tree dead centre of the blip. Sadly they’d gone off to do whatever they do in the daytime by the time I’d come back with my phone.  I’m assuming rooks - as I was taught: if it’s a rook it’s a crow, but if they’re crows, they’re rooks. I don’t know if that’s  a reliable maxim. 
Most of the leaves are still on the  apple/bird feeding tree on the left. And plenty of green still left on the neighbours rose which, happily, comes over the fence and has a profusion of small flowers every  June. 
So, not an exciting blip, just  my view from the kitchen window. 

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