
By IainatCreel

Orkney Clouds

We have been blessed with some fine weather recently which we have made the most of.  Today started at 05.50 hrs as I got up to switch off the boiler, having forgotten that it’s maintenance day today.  For some enigmatic reason the boiler pressure has risen to 2 bar over the last six days.  It should be one.  Don’t forget this may come up in the Creel HQ end of year exam.  We then went dancing but on a Wednesday it’s all quicksteps, saunters, waltzes etc.  I always manage to keep good time in the etc.  I was taken out to lunch today because I have behaved so very well recently.  I have not eaten tripe since my last field outing in Romania.  It was served as a soup and then as the main course. The bonus now is that you can stop reading.

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