From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

And that's when all the trouble started...

I bought a six pack yesterday whilst in Stratford upon Avon! No, not beers although I did have a few. Thinking about it, there were about six.... What I actually bought was a six pack of suet cakes for the birds. They were quite heavy and felt a bit like a house brick when I dropped the pack on my foot coming into the house yesterday.

I thought no more about it until I was halfway to the Coventry Road earlier and it started raining, I'd forgotten my umbrella and bus pass so I hobbled back home. How pathetic is that? Now I am sat here watching the rain and all the tedious waffling on the TV.... You can tell this blip is in two halves as after a lovely chat on the phone for a while the sun had come out and the tennis had started again.

Out in the garden to feed the pesky, ungrateful birds and it started raining again! Oh well, I am hoping it dries up a bit for in the week so I can get some decent walks in.

I'm doing this blip early for a change as I'm going at for a pint or three shortly with Sunday dinner. We'll forget about the cheese and onion toastie I had before my lovely chat. After all, you are supposed to feed a sore toe, aren't you?

I took this picture a bit earlier and 5 seconds later these two teenage starlings were having a fight. Mealworms were flying everywhere while the pigeon looked on disapprovingly shaking his head and tutting about the youth of today.

'I blame the parents!' he said.

Track? I'm going to repeat this one as I'm in the mood for classic Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

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