From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Wonky Lamp

Sorry for the uninspiring title. Blame the weather!

What are you supposed to do when all it does is rain when you set foot out of the door? It depends where you are with me. If I was in Edinburgh, I'd spend all day wandering aimlessly round the Museum of Scotland, or I'd spend all day in the Ocean Terminal going to the cinema, or sitting down people watching or having scampi and chips.

In the West Midlands, I tend to go to the pub! This picture was takeb in the Bear at Berkswell. According to the notices in this old pub Cromwell used to stop by occasionally. The beer is OK (I had a nice Bombardier) but the web sites for it are a bit uninspiring as it's one of those Chef and Brewer chain pubs more interested in showing you special offers. Forget the history of the place!

Anyway, it was tipping down outside so I took a fancy to this crooked lamp. You notice the lamp is deliberately crooked? Oh well, it makes a change from a lamppost, I suppose....

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