
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 67/76
Main activity: Friday - jog, Walmart, around the house
Notes: Woke around 5a and got up and around. Went for an early morning jog in cool mist. Decided to make a Walmart run shortly after and this is the back way to Missouri Ave near the school. Got what I was looking for and a couple more things. Had coffee and started in on getting artist images edited and added to the site. Worked thru till after 1p, showered then made pizza w/ Banza crust, tomatoes, pesto, kalamata olives and goat gouda and cheddar - it was sooo good! Back to work for awhile then on home page images and caught up on some videos from Janine and Jean Claude. Cool day, cloudy pretty much all the way thru - loved it! To bed early.

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