
By jennym999

Old textbooks!

Another gloomy day with drizzle. I went to a spinning class with a different instructor who was very good….I’m going to try various different ones to see who suits me as there are new ones and I have not done much spinning for a while as I prefer to cycle outdoors when it’s nice weather. 

Today I was going to lead a “Christmas Lights” bike ride from Waterloo ( we take our bikes on the train to and from Waterloo) around the West end but……last night we decided to postpone it as only myself and one other wanted to go today despite 4 others saying the date was fine a couple of weeks ago. So I was partly relieved and partly annoyed! We did a similar ride at the end of 2021 led by one of our group who sadly died earlier this year so it was going to be a sort of memorial ride in her honour and we were going to go to a little pub which she frequented when she was still working, one of the smallest pubs in London…The Cask and Glass in Victoria.

So I have spent more time today sorting out paperwork and going through old text books to decide what to get rid of. I phoned our local Fara bookshop and they say they are happy to take any text books however old or tatty as they send them to specialists and/ or to someone who send some overseas. Also trying to get my husband to tidy his study!! 

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