Now we have everything

By Gembop

First time in a high chair

The '1st's' are coming thick and fast now! Charlie had his first meal (of baby porridge) in a highchair today at his nana and gangangs.

We were hoping to get into Nottingham for about midday but arrived closer to 2pm after a very odd morning. Charlie had woken me up at 5:30am for a feed, but rather than go back to sleep he was full of beans, and his nappy was pretty full too. Unfortunately changing him meant I just woke him up even more.

I put him back in his cot with his cot toys and went back to bed. He must've played in there happily for half an hour but rather than snooze some more I ended up just listening to him set off some lullabys and then start giggling to himself!

When he started shouting for me I brought him back into bed with us where he stayed awake until 7am when Robin woke up and took him downstairs so I could get a couple of hours. When Robin brought him up for a feed at 9am it was his turn to fall back asleep for an hour! See, a very odd morning! We finally dragged ourselves up and into the car by 11:30am but it was only when we were an hour down the M1 that I realised I'd forgot one of Rob's Father's Day pressies. Doh!

We got to Notts where Dad, Lewis and the newest member of Laura's family: a toy poodle/ chihuahua cross puppy were waiting for us. The puppy is so tiny! Rob has bigger socks! But he is absolutely adorable even if they are having to run after him with the disinfectant spray in case he piddles anywhere! So far he's been storing it for when he goes outside so maybe puppy training isn't going to be too challenging. We'll see!

We played with the dog and dad played with Charlie until it was tea time and Charlie got to try the highchair. It's a little bit big for him but once padded out with a blanket it was perfect. He finished his first bowl of porridge in record timing so I gave him another just as Mum, Laura and Ollie got home. Before we knew it it was Charlie's bath and bedtime and then time for mine and Robin's second ever date night. I'd arranged for the parents to babysit so I could take Robjn out for an early Father's Day dinner. We headed to a Brazilian steak house where the meat just keeps on coming until you turn your green card over to red. It's Robin's idea of heaven, even if the customer service left a lot to be desired.

We got back home after 11pm and Charlie hadn't stirred once. My brilliant little guy :)

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