
By 58jc


I had a quieter day today - as the last few days I had been rushing around a bit.  I cleared some paperwork and fiddled around and then had a quick visit to Junction 8 as I fancied a bit of retail therapy and there never seems time for a 'proper' shop.  I bought some bits but 50% will be going back - story of my life with shopping.  OH never understands things look different when you get them home and try on with other bits in the wardrobe.  I get a bit overwhelmed in BIG shops are there is so much to choose from - think I need a personal shopper!

OH home from golf and eating a late lunch then had a quick visit to see MIL while I got my sewing machine out.  I am keen to finish the quilt I started but am waiting on a delivery of a 'walking foot' before I can finish properly.

My brother sent me and No.1 some TV recommendations including The King in the Car Park (On C4).  I watched three quarters of the documentary (narrated by the chap in the picture who you might recognise from Detectorists?) - great story and I'm looking forward to watching the rest tomorrow.

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