
It was that sort of day and as Granny was away the Boss got to be team leader so after a properly conducted and audited election the assembled personages elected to walk round the block (quite a big one 8 Km) and end up at a café for a half day walk.
As we were driving into the departure lounge I noticed this big puddle and The Boss went back with his phone and a small solid state and manufactured entirely in New Zealand, ripple making tool. It was not raining at that time and in fact the sky was looking a lot brighter when they held the election but by the time we were about half way round the block the Boss's Ausi leather hat was working a treat and when we arrived at the Café The Boss (concerned for ME, which I was VERY impressed about) elected not to tie me up outside in the pouring rain and continued homeward with L and D.
I got the towel treatment at home....I really LOVE this and assisted a number of times but The Boss still had all his layers on. Sometimes he does seem to be very intuitive I think.
The Boss's phone has dire predictions for Thursday that will send My Friend Peter into bouts of ecstatic joy. He is of course a person who seems to fall down hills a lot with bits of wood tied to his feet. AND of course The Boss is polishing up his sno shoos too.

I am cuddled up in my house now. Reflecting on Canadian beef treats.

P stands for Puddle but please don't...OK?

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