Inboxs and Weather

Another grotty day but we did go Blwalkies and I got a bit wet but The Boss was multi layered and cosy for sure.

An inbox can often be the start of something new and exciting and everyone is usually interested to see what has arrived on any day. On a wet day like today it sure beats going out to the analogue version which would not have worked on a Sunday anyway here in NZ or anywhere else in the world I recon.

There was a really interesting dmail in my inbox today and I am taking the K9 liberty (The Boss says I am always taking these) of reproducing it here for an appropriate airing. It is from "D" of earlier mention and concerns the unspeakable thing that is not up for discussion. (well unspeakable things usually aren't...are they?)

Dear Neighbour

A very belated comment relating to my apparent inclusion in last 'Monday's Tussock Tales". It took me a week to recover from the embarrassment of not immediately becoming aware that you had at last been relieved of the fungal eruption on your otherwise manly chin. (Though I have to say that you did look rather distinguished when the aforesaid gnathic hirsuit appendage was in situ) I await, with some temerity, the news of the response of "she who must be obeyed".
Chin up

There are a couple of words that I can't seem to find in my K9 / English dictionary but by woofly they do sound terribly grand. Perchance someone of the Blip community may be able to enlighten us all....Barks may be awarded.

I am sad to report (mainly due to my exposure to Greek Yogurt and the realisation that the event may never be repeated) that the last bit of the lovely "D's" dmail mainly the "swmbo" bit seems to have become all too true and the outlook is beginning to appear a little fuzzy again.

All of which is much more fun than being told that my Apple ID will expire immediately if I don't click a dubious link and pass all my private info to a fraudster.

Inboxes...Don't you just love them?

Oh and the pic.. well that's me on the left, a tree in the middle and the weather in the background...OK?

Wipe the water off your specs.

Oh and if your name is Sue and you live in Canada click here. AND a big thank you.. Yummy indeed.

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