
By FlyingPRGal

Christmas Fayre

A glimmer of hope for a big work project for next year that could lead to up to seven months work. Too early to get excited and it may not happen yet but encouraging things are starting to pick up with productions green lighting projects that have been on hold for months.

Fundraising this evening on the Tombola stand at the village Christmas Fayre in aid of next year‘s Christmas lights. The adults were more excited about the prizes than the children.

A brass band played outside by the church and villagers enjoyed hot chocolate, mulled wine and food. I took about two sips of mulled wine and decided it was too sweet so opted for a flat white with cinnamon spice, much nicer.

Missed out on the castle Christmas lights preview tonight, invited by my friend Ali. Her pictures on Facebook looked good. I’d have loved to go along but I like to support the village community and do my bit.

I hope my help was appreciated tonight. A couple of the organisers got a bit snappy towards the end. I don’t think they’re used to being on their feet for five hours so I suggested they sit down with a mulled wine while I fleeced the band for donations.

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