Country Living
The busy life finally caught up with us old folks. My sister and BIL hobbled out of bed at 9:15. They enjoyed watching a short snow shower which I missed; I awoke at 10:28 am. We did a few house chores after brunch. It is quite cold and windy outside so we had to search for indoor blips. The background is an antique tobacco basket that belonged to a relative. That profitable farm crop is thankfully a thing of the past. Most Maryland tobacco was exported to Europe or used for cigars. My sister made the “rag” wreath out of new material. We each made some of them a few years ago for gifts. Really like them. We whipped up some banana bread for our neighbor this afternoon and braved the elements to take it to her along with a dinner treat. She had a big smile when we walked in with that warm fragrant bread. We are simply going to keep warm by the fire tonight, eat leftovers and read. I hope you had a great day. Stay comfortable and safe. Thanks for stopping by. I should be able to read more journals tonight if I can stay awake; hard to do by this cozy fire. “Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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