Well, I tried...

I wanted a photo of Joel in his school uniform for the very last time - not because I like seeing my kids in uniform (because I don't - I hate it), but to mark the end of school and GCSEs for him.
He wasn't very helpful!

He's been pretty unenthusiastic about school for the last 5 years. I think he's going to enjoy next year.

The weather finally brightened up at about 3.30, so I've been getting my hands dirty this afternoon. I've got rid of a bit more lawn and planted some evening primroses, fiddled in the greenhouse and potted on some aubergines, chilli plants and uncovered my broccoli and cauliflower. I've been fighting stomach ache and lethargy today - I must have eaten something that disagreed with me - pugnacious peas, perhaps

Tess has been talking non-stop. Sometimes I think she must be scared of silence.

Gemma's just been down to tell me to look at the sky. There was a beautiful nightfall rainbow. I've never seen anything like it. I tried to take a photo but I rushed it and it was pretty crap.

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