Just Waiting for the Waxwings

It was in the mid30’s when we got up. We spent the morning doing house jobs: laundry, dishes, etc. We got to feel the warmth of the sun and enjoy that WV blue sky this afternoon. It was a bit windy so I spent a good part of the day inside anyway. Hubby rode his ATV, our BIL trimmed bushes. My sister collected and threw away the brush and went to the creek to scout out a nice large rock for a project. She insisted I work on my Christmas letter rather than help her. So I did. During a walk, I noticed how full of berries this tree is. The waxwings will find it when they arrive and nearly strip it clean. Hope that happens before we leave as we love watching them. Jamie delivered my mother’s new percolator coffee pot to her yesterday. She called him this morning giddy with happiness. Her old one had died and she was drinking instant coffee. Yuck. It will easily be one of her favorite Christmas gifts. Sounds like the sick family members are holding at status quo. Kim and Brooklyn had just the upper respiratory symptoms and they were sick for two weeks even with antibiotics and steroids. Nasty stuff. So glad we are in these remote hills. We will enjoy comforting turkey rice soup for dinner and then sit by the fireplace this evening. How blessed we are. Hope you will be comfortable as well. Stay safe. Thanks for all the kind birthday wishes yesterday. Dan is very appreciative.
“When the holly's in the red
And the pine is in the green,
When the mornings all are frosty,
In a brilliant silver sheen
Then I love to go a' walking
Rambling here and there, quite slow,
Plucking greenery and berries;
Wishing for a Christmas snow.” -
Rachel Heffington

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