Now we have everything

By Gembop


It's funny how only weeks ago they barely even knew each other was alive and now today Charlie and Dylan looked at each other for ages! And smiled, and touched. It was so cute to watch them get to know each other. They're oblivious to the fact that they've been with each other every week since they were born (or pretty much!)

Kelly drove us on a little shopping expedition today. First to Mothercare where I picked up Charlie's new high chair (wow!) and then to Ikea where Kelly got Dylan his.

I think I overuse the word 'lovely' nowadays but it was lovely; it was a really nice day. Kelly came and got us at about 1pm and we didn't get home until 5:30pm.

Seeing as we were buying highchairs we thought it was worth trying to sit the boys in two whilst we grabbed lunch at the Ikea cafe. They were both so well behaved and seemed really happy in their seats- and we were hands free to eat our salmon and spinach lasagne.

Oh and I got to test drive my new Connecta today too. It was fab. Kelly helped me tighten it as the straps are still a bit stiff but it was so much more comfortable than the Baby Bjorn. Charlie seemed to like it too. I put the hood up and he fell asleep as we walked around. Of course, he woke up as soon we stopped. I think we're going to use the Connecta a lot so I'm glad we got here in the end!

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