
It appears I have.......rescued my Red Geranium.........!
Every day for the past few crazy weeks I've walked in and out my front door ...past my geranium without ever noticing how neglected it had become.......
Then when I did see it.......it was under attack from white fly......green fly and almost dead from lack of watering............!!
I was very annoyed with myself as I had 'minded' it all 'thru the winter.....
Anyway after a lot of TLC.....(in the shape of spraying....watering...feeding and of course 'an apology).....
I'm glad to see that it has forgiven me and decided to reward me with these lovely red blossoms again.....
Do I deserve it??? probably not!!!!!
I love red geraniums......they are so old-fashioned and remind me of cottage gardens......
Kitty says that if I neglected him like that.......he'd be 'skin and bone' and have to hunt everyday for his own dinner....................!!! cheeky boy!!!
He wasn't around today when I took this pic and I hadn't time take any of him!!

Update on my Mam.....her GP was here to see her today and was quite pleased with her progress.....and she has changed her sleeping medication......so hopefully we both might get some sleep tonight......fingers crossed anyway....!
We're off to the out-patients at the hospital in the morning fora check-up on the broken wrist and toes......hope we're not there too long......!

S says to thank you all very much for all the kind thoughts and congratulations on her exam results.....you are all so kind...!

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