Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Little Friends

I was doing some heavy-duty cleanup in Mother Comfort's yard today when a flash of green flew by my eyes and landed close to the ground.

I saw it and quickly got my cellphone out to capture a picture of the brightest little tree frog I've seen recently. He stayed still for his portrait, but when I reached down to move him out of my work area, he 'flew' off, hopefully (I prayed) to a safe haven where he wouldn't be harmed by my brush-whacking.

Later, when I took my glove off to reach inside my shirt to remove a big spider, I prayed not only for safety for God's little eight-legged creature, but also that it wouldn't feel the need to protect itself from the big contraptioneer removing it from inside his shirt. He safely fell to the ground and scampered away.

To the best of my knowledge, no harm was done to any small animals, and I'm even more happy to report that Annie's favourite contraptioneer is unharmed as well.

A happy day all around!


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