Tŷ yn llawn tyllau

Tŷ yn llawn tyllau ~ A house full of holes

“Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.”
― Thomas Carlyle

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Mae tŷ fy rhieni newidiodd erioed, wel, bron erioed, dros bum deg o flynyddoedd. Mae ein tŷ ni yn wahanol, mae bob amser yn newid.  Heddiw roeddwn i'n torri sianel yn fram y drws ystafell ymolchi i redeg cebl trydan am y rheilen tywel.

Dydw i ddim yn gwybod beth fydd y perchenogion nesa yn meddwl. Darnau a darnau o waith amaturaidd ar hyd a lled y tŷ... Efallai bydd yr un peth fel tŷ fy rhieni lle ailadeiladodd y perchenogion newydd tu mewn i'r tŷ yn llawn. Mae bob amser yn ymddangos fel y ffordd. Bydd y bobol nesa yn newid popeth. Felly dydy i ddim yn mynd i boeni am y dyfodol, bydda i'n ddim ond cadw pethau rhedeg am nawr.

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My parents' house never changed, well, almost never, over fifty years. Our house is different, it's always changing. Today I was cutting a channel in the bathroom door frame to run an electric cable for the towel rail.

I don't know what the next owners will think. Bits and pieces of amateurish work all over the house... It might be the same as my parents' house where the new owners completely rebuilt the inside of the house. It always seems like the way. The next people will change everything. So I'm not going to worry about the future, I'll just keep things running for now.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Torri ffrâm drws
Description (English): Cutting a door frame

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