Hwyl fawr i hynny i gyd

Hwyl fawr i hynny i gyd ~ Goodbye to all that

“I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found. By reading the writings of the most interesting minds in history, we meditate with our own minds and theirs as well. This to me is a miracle.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, (‘Palm Sunday’)

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O dro i dro das i'n hôl i ffeindio cartrefi newydd am hen bethau - efallai elusen, efallai bin. Heddiw roedd tipyn bac o fy hanes - Inmos a'r Transputer. Gweithiais i am Inmos yng Nghasnewydd, de Cymru,  yn yr wythdegau a nawdegau. Roedd Inmos gwneuthurwr lled-ddargludyddion ac roedden nhw enwog am eu Transputer, cyfrifiadur prosesu cyfochrog ar sglodyn lled-ddargludyddion. Roedd ymlaen o'i amser ac yn anffodus doedd e ddim mor llwyddiannus ag y dylai wedi fod.  Rydw i'n cael cofion da o'm hamser yna. A nawr mae amser i anfon y pethau hyn i fin sbwriel - neu siop elusen - hanes.

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From time to time I come back to find new homes for old things - maybe a charity, maybe a bin. Today there was quite a bit of my history - Inmos and the Transputer. I worked for Inmos in Newport, south Wales, in the eighties and nineties. Inmos was a semiconductor manufacturer and they were famous for their Transputer, a parallel processing computer on a semiconductor chip. It was ahead of its time and unfortunately it wasn't as successful as it should have been. I have good memories of my time there. And now it's time to consign these things to the dustbin - or charity shop - of history.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Transputer bumper-sticer a ffolder Inmos
Description (English): Transputer bumper-sticker and Inmos folder.

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