Crefft Nadolig yng Nghaerdydd

Crefft Nadolig yng Nghaerdydd ~ Christmas craft in Cardiff

“Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists.(…) Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous ‘I don’t know.’”
― Wislawa Szymborska, (‘The poet and the World’, Nobel Lecture, 1996)

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Cawson ni tipyn bach o hwyl yn y dre heddiw. Ymwelon ni â'r stondinau ynghanol y dre lle mae crefftwyr yn gwerthu eu gwaith ar Nadolig. Mae'n dda i weld enghraifft o waith crefft leol. Ffeindion ni un fenyw sy'n gwneud crochenwaith yng Nghaerdydd, ac ar ôl Nadolig rydyn ni'n meddwl am ofyn iddi hi wneud platiau i ni. Roedden ni'n yn Tesco'r dyddiad arall a holl y llestri yn dod o Tsiena. Mae'n well gennym ni i brynu ein crochenwaith rhywle mwy lleol - fel y Rhath, cwpl o ffitir i ffwrdd.

(Mae'r ffotograff yn dod o'r Instax camera yn fodd 'drych')

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We had a bit of fun in town today. We visited the stalls in the center of town where craftspeople sell their work at Christmas. It is good to see an example of local craft work. We found one woman who makes pottery in Cardiff, and after Christmas we are thinking of asking her to make plates for us. We were in Tesco the other day and all the china came from China. We prefer to buy our pottery somewhere more local - like Roath, a couple of miles away.

(The photograph is from the Instax camera in 'mirror' mode)

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Stondinau crefft yng Nghaerdydd
Description (English): Craft stalls in Cardiff

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