Guilty Pleasures Vol 2

Lord, what a day!

We had breakfast at the hotel, The Lamplighter, which was great, and then hit the road south to pick up the Minx's mum, before we all set off to Leicester for the miniMinx's end of term show. 

She had already made it clear that she wasn't that impressed with the show or the dances, and, indeed, the fact it was volume two of the principal's 'Guilty Pleasures' was a little tiresome. That said, parts of it were really enjoyable and I always enjoy seeing the miniMinx dance.

And after that, it was back to Preston to drop off the Minx's mum, before setting off to Leeds. By now it was dark, and the weather had been atrocious for a while; hard rain and string winds.

But we arrived in one piece and popped into Milly's birthday party for an hour or so, before finally setting off for Salford, finishing the evening with a rather good kebab!

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