From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


…as opposed to Nativity. The message of our service this morning.

What if.. Mary had said No?
What if… the shepherds had just stayed in the fields with their sheep?
What if.. the wise men took no notice of that star?

Choices, and only some of many possibilities if made, that would have changed history. Yet because of the choices made, we have the story of Christmas and the choice to accept or not, the gift of Jesus. A lot for us all to think about!

Choices. Big things!

It’s been a full day with some wonderfully quiet moments in between. I spoke to Valerie who’d been taken to visit Neil by Simon and then had rested most of the day. Tonight she was hoping to catch up on yesterday’s Strictly final. After we’d left, she’d settled to watch it then crashed out… Not surprising!

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