Now we have everything

By Gembop

A little camp

Well blipfoto didn't like the picture I intended to blip today due to its low resolution, so you get this (unflattering) one instead: Me and Charlie in his sun protection tent in the garden.

My boy hasn't been quite right today, starting at 5am when he was squirming and wiggling in bed in discomfort. I opened his grow bag and saw he'd had an up-the-back poo (nice!) No wonder he wasn't lying still. His tummy hasn't been right since we started weaning. I put him on the change table and left his nappy off for his sore bum to air (more TMI but he also has a bad case of nappy rash). However, before I could get his next nappy ready he pooed more of the green stuff onto the change mat! It's funny as I was saying to Emily just the other day that I'd never been pooed on. Fun!

He was then awake until he went downstairs with Robin at 6:15am and maybe had another 30 minutes more sleep when he came into bed with me after Rob left for work. In the end I gave up and went downstairs at 8am. Charlie played while I peeled and chopped fruit and veg to steam for his lunch.

He was still awake at 10:30am so I put him in his cot while I had a shower and then the crying started. I thought it was tears before nap time but it turned inconsolable. He was competing with the building noise from next door. I abandoned the shower to calm him but he still sobbed so I laid on my bed with him (and Phil's Spencer: Secret Agent on the box) fed him and then he finally fell asleep on me. Poor little man. He's very stuffed up and has purple marks under eyes due to the congestion. I hope it's not hay fever as Robin suffers quite badly.

I lay with him for an hour before I thought it was safe to resume the shower! He woke up as I was finishing up and was upset again but a dose of Calpol later and he was fine. He was eager enough for lunchtime too. Today he has pear and apple, oh and carrot. I'd steamed slices of them all and put them in his tray to see if he'd feed himself. He had some apple and it must have been quite tart as he pulled such a funny face- you'd think I'd given him lemon. I mashed some of the fruit up with some porridge (which he loves) and spoon fed him the rest. He shakes in anticipation he loves it that much. He also snatches the beaker from me too!

We were hosting BWW again today as Kelly was visiting a friend and her twin boy at GOSH. She text me whilst I was feeding Charlie to ask if I could do it instead. I just laid a few foam mats, the bean bag and Charlie's tent outside expecting everyone to want to be out (albeit in the shade) during the hottest day so far this year. The two Anna's arrived actually wanting to stay indoors which was fine by me as I'm not a sun worshiper to say the least. Kelly came then went so it was just the three of us as the other boys and their mums are on holiday.

They left just after 5pm so Charlie and I went outside to try his tent out for size. It's surprisingly roomy! Hopefully we'll get to try it out properly at some point this summer. Robin was playing football after work and Charlie only had the 1 hour nap all day so conked out after his 6pm feed missing his bath and his change into his pjs. He woke for a feed at 11:30pm so I was able to change him out of his short romper suit finally - probably the first time I was glad of this new habit of waking again before midnight. Fingers crossed he's not awake again at 3:30am like the last few nights!

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