By lizzie_birkett


The shortest day!
It was strange coming into Sabrina’s with no Millie to greet us. However, this wee minx was pleased to see us. 
The weather was wild on our way up, I could feel the car being buffeted by the wind.
Amelia and Lucy were excited to see us and tell us about what is happening in their lives - lots!
Melanie also came over for tea, which was nice. She’ll be coming to stay here for 2 weeks to cat sit while Sabrina and family go away to Spain after Christmas.
The house looks different as they have put it on the market and there will be viewers coming tomorrow and next week, everywhere has to be kept spick and span. Though there was a massive mound of clean washing to be folded and put away which Frank started on then I helped him.
After tea Frank and I went in the hot tub, mainly to ease Frank’s muscle and joint pain. It’s really bad just now. Amelia joined us before her bedtime.
She likes playing about with Frank and she is getting very witty so there is good banter.
Also I’ve done my knee again - it swelled up on Wednesday but not as bad as usual. I want to meet Marc tomorrow so I hope it holds up for that.

Anyway, goodnight and thanks for your lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Blip :-)X

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