Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie and I walked over to Bruntsfield and we went right round the whole block. Further than I intended. I was just having a wee browse in the shops, an unusual pastime for me. Most of the shops are dog friendly, and Archie loves going in. He rushes to the counter, embarrassingly enough, to look pleadingly at the person serving. I often give them a treat to give to him, so that he's not disappointed. The woman in the expensive Danish shop made such a fuss of him in his jingle bell collar and nice haricut. And when I told his name, she went all gooey. Archie!

We passed Monty's - haven't been in for a while - they do make an effort. I plonked Archie on one of their chairs, but it was one with slats, so he didn't feel safe, and refused to look at the camera.

In the afternoon I got an message to say that my new specs were ready to pick up, so I got the bus down the road. I think wearing glasses all the time will take a bit of getting used to. I wore them on the way home, but they sure are a bit of a nuisance. I'm using them to watch tv at the moment, and I can now read things I couldn't quite read before (but I could a few months ago). They will be great to watch the rugby with!

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