An Xmas Miasma

A miasma is an oppressive or unpleasant atmosphere which surrounds or emanates from something - in this particular instance it was from me. I'd been feeling a bit tired over the last of couple of days, struggling with my early morning runs and had developed a bit of sore throat. I didn't really think much of it but as I was going to be heading out to complete my Christmas shopping later (I'd already done some online) my brother suggested I should do a Covid test just to be on the safe side - you can guess the rest, two very distinct red lines. B*LLOCKS!! An early Christmas present I was very unhappy to receive! :-((
Both my brother and sister tested negative so I was definitely suffering from a bit of 'poor me syndrome' for a few hours but then I put it into perspective - I don't feel anywhere near as bad as the first time I caught Covid, we've already got most of the festive food and drink and I'm determined to have a great time anyway. So sod you Covid!
Today's rather blurry image of our Christmas tree was the best I could manage in the circumstances! 

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