Win. Who says souvenir photography has to be crap?

This is what I like about photography some days - none of this overprocessed crap, capturing the car in it's true glory. (And yes, I did use HDR a couple of years ago - but this isn't HDR) .

I could have shot this a little slower, but considering I'm turning out thousands of photos every few hours, these things have to be shot quickly and reliably.

All I've done to this photograph is b/w it and pull a tiny amount of contrast. Nothing else.

I get so annoyed when a 'photographer' spends hours upon hours working on a shot to get that perfect 'photograph'. They crop stuff out (that they should have seen before), they spend hours balancing light, blending stuff, and they've actually taken 8 different photographs and a bunch of layers to blend them, and then get all this glory about "what a great photograph!!!". Erm no, it's just been photoshopped to death.

Anyway - tell me that shot isn't worth $10.

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