
By ayearinthelife


Today has been a total day of nothing. Rain, wind and grey skies outside. Snotty nose and lethargy inside. Apart from popping out to the garage with the recycling, I have not ventured out of the house. In fact, it would probably be more accurate to say that I have barely ventured out of my armchair, as the day has been spent alternating between watching telly and sleeping.
Which is why today’s blip is of a little light up Xmas decoration that was within arms length of said chair. It changes colour - when it works. The switch is somewhat temperamental and requires a bit of jiggling to get the light shining brightly. A bit how I feel about myself today!
I’m hoping everything is better and brighter tomorrow. Me and the weather. A run of three gigs, starting tomorrow night, before I can have another day off. It would be really useful if this cold could do one by then.

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