Place: Largo, FL 55/66
Main activity: Thurs - around the house
Notes: I think it may have rained all night and continued thru most of the morning. Woke up a lot, got up ~730a, decided to do qigong and yoga to move and stretch. Had the cedar balsam candle (TJs) going but as usual, got too strong. Chilly morning, had coffee and chatted w/ Nancy a bit, then got online to finish editing and uploading the rest of the images I took Tues morning. Stopped around 2p, took hot shower and then prepared some food - bison burger, leftover japanese sweet potato & carrots, spiralized zucchini. Day cleared off at some point and sun even came out for a bit but stayed cool. Searched for rental places again but nothing to even write an inquiry about. Quiet night, have started watching Six Feet Under (again - saw many yrs ago).

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