
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 47/58
Main activity: Fri - errands, working, relaxing
Notes: Woke several times but didn't get up until after 7a. Chilly morning in the 50s. Headed out just after 8a, quick stop at Walmart and then handful of things from the produce market. Had coffee when I returned and talked to Nancy a bit - she got a new dog yesterday. Worked on the AOE site then - adding events to the calendar and setting up the Second Saturdays page. Heard from Joe, he mentioned wanting to meet me for coffee last night on text, I asked if there was a reason (sounded more like "I need to talk to you"), said he couldn't say any more then. But got back to me and mentioned again that I answered a question w/ a question (his wasn't a question), and asked if there needed to be a reason. Quiet afternoon - heated Banza pizza and made a big salad, watched more shows in the evening. 

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