Second Time Around

More usual surroundings tonight for the second gig of the weekend - The Golden Ball in Dalton. Not exactly busy, the rain is probably keeping people away. But at least we can make a noise tonight.
It’s been a very lazy day otherwise. I’m still in the grip of some sort of lurgy so didn’t get up until late. Having said that, I did manage a session in the gym before lunch, so I guess it’s not got me too badly. Unlike Mrs C, who has not been at all well today. Can’t think where she caught it from!
The first set was pretty much just us rehearsing for tomorrow, as there were only half a dozen people in the place. Thankfully, a few more wandered in for the second set and we had a small - but enthusiastic - crowd for the second set. Still felt a bit like a rehearsal though. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as we’re expecting about 200 at tomorrow’s sold out gig.
Just a case of trying to get as much rest as possible now before tomorrow night. But it’s going to be at least 2am by the time I’m home tonight, so it’ll be straight to bed I think!

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