
By tridral


Deinosoriaid ~ Dinosaurs

“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost.”
― Charlie Chaplin, (‘The Great Dictator’)

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Mae'r deinosoriaid ar waith eto. Mae pedwar ohonyn nhw yn edrych dros y tai a chaeau. Dydw i byth yn ymddiried ar gloddwyr, craeniau, ac ati, yn arbennig pan maen nhw'n cyflogi gan y cyngor. Maen nhw naill ai'n dinistrio rhywbeth rydw i eisiau ei weld yn cael ei gadw, neu'n adeiladu rhywbeth hyll, neu'r ddau ar yr un pryd. Yma, rydw i'n meddwl, maen nhw'n adeiladu canolfan (centre) canser yn y lle anghywir, ac yn dinistrio ardal o gaeau a choed yn y proses.

Gwnes i fwynhau'r grŵp Cymraeg y bore 'ma. Rydw i'n meddwl bydd amser hir cyn i mi allu ymuno yn iawn yn y sgwrs. Heddiw roeddwn i'n hapus i ddeall ychydig o frawddegau fel roedden nhw'n hedfan heibio. O leiaf heddiw roedd dim ond saith ohonon ni, felly oedd un sgwrs, un siaradwr ar un pryd.

Mae siarad Cymraeg yn rhywbeth fel adfer tir o'r cloddwyr a chraeniau'r datblygwyr sy wedi bod yn ei dinistrio. Gobeithio y gwnawn ni gynnydd un gair, un frawddeg ar y pryd.

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The dinosaurs are at it again. Four of them overlook the houses and fields. I never trust diggers, cranes, etc., especially when they are employed by the council. They either destroy something I want to see preserved, or build something ugly, or both at the same time. Here, I think, they are building a cancer center in the wrong place, and destroying an area of ​​fields and trees in the process.

I enjoyed the Welsh group this morning. I think it will be a long time before I can properly join the conversation. Today I was happy to understand a few sentences as they flew by. At least today there were only seven of us, so there was one conversation, one speaker at a time.

Speaking Welsh is something like reclaiming land from the diggers and the cranes of the developers who have been destroying it. Hopefully we will make progress one word, one sentence at a time.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Deinosoriaid - craeniau dros yr Eglwys Newydd

Description (English) : Dinosaurs - cranes over Whitchurch

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