New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Rainbow Bradford

Last day of visits today!  I set off to Shipley first thing and caught up with G for a couple of hours in the new Costa near the office where we used to work together.  Then I was off to Bradford to mit another former colleague from a different workplace, A who I haven't seen before the pandemic. We had the usual HR chat, talked about her new job she's starting the the new year, workplace governance, the Karakorum, the highs and lows of therapy and all sorts of other things.  Needless to say we were in Pret for some time! great to catch up with them both.

The rain set in just as I left for the bus, I just missed one and blipped the rather cool rainbow Bradford sign as I headed to the interchange.  Then it was back to mum and dad's to pack up and try and finish as much of the Christmas jigsaw as possible before heading back home tomorrow.

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