
By Tryfan46

Chockablock with pots

What is it with Garden Centres and Nurseries at the moment. Which ever one you go in you find stacks and stacks of pots, many of them half price. And not just your average terracotta pot either. A vast range of colours, glazes, sizes and shapes. The world is going potty. I tried black and white again to see what the outcome was like. This is the best of the stacks.

We were on a mission to buy enviromesh (or its close relative veggiemesh) to complete the brassica cage on the allotment. This stuff is insect proof and is supposed to keep out things like whitefly etc. It seemed to work last year - although it may not have been a good season for whitefly.

Of the three places we went to the first had never heard of it, the second never stocked it and the third had it, but in green and it was called insectmesh. So it was back to the internet to buy it on line.

After that frustration the rest of the day was OK, rained a bit which put paid to mowing the grass. Another day of cloud which again cleared towards the evening. Did a bit of work to complete a Governors Report for the school. Wrote up a few notes on Wittersham Road signal box. Went to the gym - felt most lethargic.

But off to Brighton tomorrow to see the Moody Blues. Last time we saw them, also in Brighton, I saw my first zimmer frame at a rock concert!

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