Watching. Again.

3years 242days

Katie loves watching the world out the bedroom window. She has done it since she was very small in our first home. Now she enjoys picking out places she knows, the changes in our garden and such. She had her first french plait in her hair today - a side one that went into a plait at the bottom. She was quite proud of it when I showed her how it looked.

After nursery today we went out for tea with a friend. Despite saying she didnt want tea, she ate a load. Every time she said "I'm finished now Mummy" she'd start on eating some more! She fell asleep on the way home though, absolutely sparko.

Katie's 3 things
*We played babies today. Not with the dolls. With us
*I was a girl baby. Brooke was a boy baby. I didnt want to be a boy baby.
*I was with Emily today, but she's not my keyworker.

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