Singing in the new...

Marilyn and Paul - two old friends and former University colleagues - came over for dinner, and for some post-dinner music. Marilyn plays guitar and sings, and she and Richard worked their way through some shared favourites. Paul and I sang along where we could, or just enjoyed listening. Unusually for us these days, we weren't in bed till the early hours.
We had the luxury of a lie-in, and then a sunny walk in the Rivelin Valley. The extra was my only good shot from the walk - drawn to the beautiful colours on a mallard.
In the afternoon I met up with Jack, Ruth, Marianna, Josh and the grandkids in Meersbrook Park. Eben, Luca and Frieda largely entertained themselves in the playground while we chatted, passing the very amiable Simone around for cuddles at the same time.  The second extra shows Frieda and Simone together - F doing a great job with the swing, and S cheerfully going with the flow.
All in all, a New Year's Day for counting blessings.

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