
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 56/69
Main activity: Wed - gallery, rentals
Notes: Big day, chilly weather and turned all gray later. Left for the gallery around 915a, quick stop at UPS Store on 49th St and then saw a room rental w/ private entrance - VERY small! Into the gallery just before 10a and then worked on several things w/ Jana and took photos. Went to see another rental 1215p - ended up being an apt building and not well-equipped or w/ storage or a bedroom ... and every add-on billed separately. Decent location tho. Saw this great flamingo house as I was leaving there and wonderful garage painting w/ a huge octopus was down the street. Back to the gallery and did more photos and helped Jana set up her new computer and get her Shopify account created. Got a call back about the newly built place that sounds much like what I want - won't be ready till April tho and she thinks she can get $2000/mo for just over 500 sq feet. Left 330p, talked to Nancy some of the way back. A bit erratic feeling and dejected.

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