
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 47/63
Main activity: Tues - around the house & short pool time
Notes: Slept pretty well again (getting used to that!) and didn't get out of bed until almost 730a. Did qigong and then yoga - phone rang during yoga and it was Joe (are you kidding me?). Finished my yoga, talked to Nancy on the phone (she has a lead on a rental that sounds really good), made coffee, emailed Michelle the IPSI assistant the logos that I re-drew and then listened to the msg - something about having to tell me about very interesting ironic news that would make me smile ... and to call him back. Instead I forwarded the logos I sent to Michelle and attached a note that I prefer to communicate only by email. Nonetheless, he emailed after that again w/ requesting the callback. I waited awhile and then said if it can't be emailed, I'll pass. Worked on some instructions/checklist for the gallery and then took a break around 1230p and walked to pool - yoga pants and 2 layers of long sleeves ... and running shoes. Sat there for almost 30 min, sunny but not super warm except for when breeze and thin clouds stopped. Back and hot shower, ate chicken salad, pear/walnut arugula salad and O'Dough's GF bagel. Heard from Jo - quite early for her in AUS but she's preparing for an interview about a book (written by our friend and co-group member in England) - she asked if I'd review her recent video. I watched and gave feedback. A bit later, talked to her on Zoom from ~540p - 610p. Quiet night watching some shows.

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