
As in, I wish I could remember them!
First Dress Rehearsal tonight and it’s not exactly going swimmingly. I’m not yet confident enough with the lines to be able to jump around or ad-lib if I don’t get the right cues, so it’s been a bit stop start at times as we try and work out who’s go it is.
A few technical problems to contend with as well. Mainly lighting and sound but as the picture shows there was also a missing wig! This is the “gunge” scene and it gets very messy, so we couldn’t risk ruining a wig that might be required in later scenes.
We did manage to stagger our way to the end and - apart from one major stumble - it was pretty much just the odd missed line or cue that tripped us up.
Second Dress Rehearsal tomorrow so one more chance to get it right before we open on Friday. We could probably do with shaving a good twenty minutes off the running time as well. Hopefully that will happen naturally as the lines come more readily.
I guess I’ll be spending most of tomorrow with my head buried in my script…

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